On April 18th, Fey Berman will present her book “Mexamerica: Una cultura naciendo”, in conversation with Consul General Diego Gómez Pickering at the Octavio Paz Gallery. This publication is a collection of essays, chronicles, and interviews with Mexican-American relevant figures divided into five chapters that deepen in the complexities of the social, political, and cultural aspects of being part of this growing community. The author will explore the subjects of each chapter in the book, her experience as a Mexican-American, and the challenges she faced while writing the book.

This program is part of the Immigration Heritage Week 2018.

Space is limited, RSVP required at mtorre@consulmexny.mx

For more information about the author, click here.


Where: Octavio Paz Gallery / Consulate General of Mexico                                        27 East 39th Street

When: April 18, 6 PM