Los Angeles–based artist and designer Tanya Aguiñiga has established herself as a crucial voice working at the intersection of fiber art, design, social practice, and activism. Her work, ranging from her “Performance Crafting” series—which uses craft to generate dialogues about identity, culture, and gender—to furniture whose material and form reimagine its functionality to provide “support,” shows a commitment to design thinking as political. At the heart of her practice is an inquiry into how community is created, and the role that craft, design, and materiality play in its formation.

Tanya Aguiñiga: Craft & Care will be on view in the second-floor gallery, MAD’s gallery space dedicated to deepening visitors’ experiences of exhibitions through opportunities for interactive learning, research, and reflection, next to the thematically linked exhibition La Frontera: Encounters Along the Border will be on display.


Where: Museum of Art and Design                                      2 Columbus Circle

When: May 8 - October 2, 2018